Your Strength Is in Me

Your strength is in Me, says the LORD. All of it, not some. It is not a physical strength for you to rely on, but by My Spirit in you that empowers and energizes and revitalizes you daily. It will spill out of you and over you and renew your youth, says the Lord. I Am the strength of your life and heart. I will renew your strength so that it will never be depleted as you frequent My presence. Do not run on empty. I never want you depleted. I want you to be filled with My Spirit. I want you to have fresh new vitality every day. I will renew and refresh you continually so that you will never fail nor faint, says the LORD.

Your age is not the determiner, says the LORD. Physical exercise is not what will make you strong. For even the youth became weary and faint. Even those who build themselves up in the flesh will fail. But you need never become weary and deficient, for I AM your ALL IN ALL. I will be new life in you and give you astounding youthfulness as you draw out of the wells of My Salvation and drink. Eat the fresh bread of My presence and receive renewed strength as you wait on Me. You will not wither up as a plant that has no water, but will be as one that is by the river of life, that has new leaves and fruit continually. Even in your old age you will bear much fruit and never stop producing for My kingdom, as you wait on Me in My presence and are renewed day by day, says the LORD.

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