Put your foot forward, says the LORD. Forward! March! Walk in My love. Walk in My Word. Walk in My will. Walk in My light. Walk in faith. Walk in My Spirit. Walk into your destiny! Up! Get up! Arise and Walk! You need not sit there until you die. For your faith must take feet, and you are to run and not grow weary, walk and NOT faith! I will support you, and hold fast to you, and keep you steady on your feet, and propel you forward, as you WALK, says the LORD.

Go in this your might, says the LORD. For I have empowered you to stand up and walk, not to sit idly and wait and worry and wonder! Arise to new heights of My glory as you take the steps that are already before you. They are bright and beautiful, and as you step forward, you will step up, and ascend and progress at the same time. I have given you the victory as you take the steps that are before you. They are not too difficult for you, for have already scouted out the land, prepared the way, foiled the enemy’s diabolical plans, spoiled his purposes, and prepared the place for you. Just walk with Me and know that there is NO SUCH WORD as failure in My vocabulary, and I do not want you to speak it. Move forward, toward your destiny and purpose in Me, and you will be furnished onto every good work, as you arise, and Walk, says the LORD.

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