Restored Hope

The prophetic Word for the year 2025 is published on the You Tube channel of Prophet June Sheltrown, but I will write the short version of it now. It is going to be a great year when compared to the last five.

This will be a year of new, restored hope. The hope that has been deferred that made your heart sick will not be your portion in 2025. There is going to be a turnaround. Many of you have been in the waiting room for a very long time. Some of you have given up your dreams, practically aborted your vision, and expectations have been replaced with complacency and acceptance of less than the desires of your heart, that seemed like an illusion rather than a promise. Too many false starts, mirages, disappointments, and the glimmer has nearly faded away from the hope you had of materialization.

Many of you have felt imprisoned by your circumstances, by others who have held you in captivity, and locking yourself in where you felt safer. Many of you have been betrayed, slandered, abused, used, denied, overlooked, and that has caused you to distrust people, places and things. So, you have shut yourself in, built walls around you to fortify and protect yourself so that you will not be hurt. But those walls that kept others away have kept you in a prison of your own making. Though it has been safer, it has isolated you. But this year you will come out of the bondage and waiting rooms into your destiny purpose.

I heard the Lord say 2025 will be a year of respite. Though you will have rest from the heavy burdens you have borne, it is not a time to coast and become lazy. Though you will feel the relief from captivity, it is not a time for the people of God to become slothful. Just as the children of Israel were released from bondage to serve the Lord, so shall it be with the remnant church. It is not a time for leisure, but a time to move forward without the encumbrances.

Lord said the Word, reprieve. This is not a pardon, but a postponement of judgment for a purpose. Though judgments are coming and will begin at the house of the Lord, God has heard the prayers of His remnant and accepted your fasting. Many of the remnant have cried out to God in repentance for the backslidden, complacent, lukewarm church. God is still going to bring judgment, as He is a God of justice and righteousness, but He is giving the church this time of reprieve so they can get the harvest in. In the days of Josiah, the King of Judea, judgment had been pronounced against the nation that God would not repent of. However, because of the humility and repentance of Josiah, it was deferred to the future and would not happen in his lifetime. He was vigilant about serving God, ridding the land of idols, and enacting righteousness during his reign. He did not take this reprieve as a license to relax but used this opportunity of grace and mercy to bring the backslidden nation back to obedience and worship of the Lord.

There is going to be a time of divine reset in 2025, where God is going to bring stability, security, and new beginnings for many of you. As you have been shaken economically, relationally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and have been reeling from the storms that are personal, in your family, your nation, your life, there is going to be change. You have been troubled on every side, and some of you have thought, “What’s next?” You have been battle fatigued, weary, stressed, stretched, and hanging on by a thread. But your faithfulness will be rewarded.

This year there will be a re-connection with friendships, relationships, family. What you thought was dead, totally lost, and a distant memory will be reestablished. These are only the connections that God has ordained for your life that circumstances, differences, others, and the enemy has endeavored to destroy. But God is bringing the prodigals home again. It will be sudden and miraculous.

Recovery and Restoration: Marriages and families will be restored. Many are going to recover financial losses, opportunities, and the things that were stolen from you will be recovered. God is going to restore in spirit, soul, and body. As King David encouraged himself in the Lord and sought after Him when his city, Ziglag was burned, all their wives and children, flocks, herds, and goods stolen. God told him to pursue the enemy, and gave him total victory, restoration and recovery. He had so much spoil beyond recovery, that he shared with many others. God is not just repaying losses, but granting much more than you lost, making what you had stolen from you so much less than what God blesses you with. Immediately following recovery and restoration was promotion. His honor was restored, and he was no longer a fugitive, but a King.

This year will be a time of revival, healing, refreshing, restoration, rebuilding, renewal, rekindling the fire of His love, His word, His power. This will be a year of miracles, signs and wonders.

This year His remnant will come forth from the furnace of affliction, fiery trials, hardness, trying of faith. Tempered, purified, proved, and refined by the fire, faith increased, and you are now prepared for the harvest to come that will be great.

So, take a deep breath. Don’t just sigh with relief. For you are granted a second wind, a time of renewal, so that you are ready warriors that will defeat the enemy, overturn his diabolical plans, take territory, rebuild, reclaim losses, conquer, and become the victorious people of God that will be used mightily in His fully trained and prepared army. Get ready. Get set. Lets go in full force into this New Year with the inspiration needed, the fresh anointing and fire of His Holy Spirit empowering, and His light shining more brightly than ever before, as we fearlessly engage the enemy, and triumphantly reap a bountiful harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God and His glory. Amen. So be it.

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