Patiently wait on Me to act, says the LORD. For all things WILL WORK together for the GOOD of all who love Me, and are My called out ones. I have a purpose and a plan, and will implement them. You will see this in the land of the living as you patiently wit on […]
Rest in Me
Your rest is complete in Me, says the LORD. Come to Me for rest. For I want you to be untethered, free of the cares of this life, and unburdened. Cast all your cares upon Me! Let ME be your burden bearer as you link up with Me. It will be an easy yoke and
Do Not Fear!
Fear is not an option, says the LORD. I have never given it to you, but have already given you superior weapons that cannot be overpowered. Use them and be assured that you are already positioned to win every battle. Nothing is greater than My Spirit in you, as you stand against the enemy and
Trust in the LORD
Trust in Me at all time, says the Lord. For yesterday was a day to trust in Me. Today is no different. And if you are going to stand at all, you will stand in trust in Me, the living GOD, the All-wise God, the ever-present GOD, the all-powerful God in the midst of you,
Higher Purpose
Come up higher in Me, says the Lord. Do not fear the distance below as you look down and see others what will not join in fellowship and friendship with Me. For the higher you ascend, the less you will see others that will even want to fellowship with you. You are not of this
I will cause you to be undefeated, says the Lord. Is that not what you want to be? For you cannot be built on a foundation that man can build. It will not be a structure that man can put together. It is not a government. It is not a country. It is not a
Firm Foundation
I Am a firm foundation that never changes, regardless of the shaking, regardless of the removing, says the LORD. I am still that foundation that is stable, secure, unbending, unshakable, and cannot be moved or removed. For it is solid and enduring, and as you stand firmly upon Me and My word, says the LORD.
Judgment and Justice
Leave all judgment and justice onto Me, says the LORD. For I Am a GOD of judgement and justice and righteousness. I know everything and everyone. I see the hidden agendas and know the thoughts and intent of every heart. I know the things that are planned in secret that oppose you. I know every
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Be Seperate
Come out from among the naysayers, the doubters, the complacent and the disobedient, says the LORD. For they will only become a snare unto you. DO not cast the precious things of My Spirit before them, to trample them under their feet, and use you as a door mat, says the LORD. Distance yourself from
Just Hold On!
Some of you are on the bridge right now, contemplating jumping, to end the pain you are going through. Things have not changed for you, and all hope of being saved is gone. You cannot see the difference between night and day, and you have done everything you can. Still nothing! You cannot see a