Double for Trouble

I will double My blessings, double My anointing, double My power in you, as I restore you, says the LORD. As you have suffered the losses of many things that the enemy has stolen from you, you need not endeavor to recover anything. I own everything, and Am in control of everything that I made, not just some things. I know you and where you are and what you have need of you. The enemy thought he was destroying you by his grand theft, but he did not see that My purpose is to give you double for your trouble, says the LORD.

As you have suffered the decrease, and have been robbed and spoiled by the enemy, know that I Am a GOD of judgment and justice and righteousness. I will rain it down as fire and fury against the oppressor, who will not enjoy the spoils of his warfare against My righteous ones, says the LORD. I will rain down My favor and My grace upon you. For as the manna was given to My people in abundance, I will open My hidden treasures onto you, and give you abundance. The silver and gold belong to ME, who created it, and I know where it is. I do not have to look for it, find it, and neither do you. I will supply you and anoint you and empower you to do My work, and you will know that I AM the ONE who has called you, chosen you, and will send you, to fulfill every good work that I have created you to do under the sun, says the LORD.

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