Daily Prophecies

Don’t Look Back!

Don’t look back, says the Lord. Look forward. Focus on what is before you, not what is behind you. Let the dead works of the past be dead and buried. You need not revisit the graveyards of the things you regret, the times you did not succeed, the failures of the past. Leave your disappointments

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Equipped to Conquer

See yourself as a mighty conqueror and an over-comer in Me, says the Lord. Pick up My sword, and shield. Put on My armor and use it. The sword of My Spirit is My word in your mouth that is powerful, penetrating, and healing. Do not let My word remain idle, but speak it, use

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I Am come to you that you might have an abundant life in Me, says the Lord. Abundance is beyond your need, and beyond your control, and beyond your ability to produce. I Am the One who gives this to you by My own wisdom, understanding, power, and presence. I Am able to do much

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Be Strong in Me

Be strong in Me, says the Lord. For all that you need is available for you. I will not withhold strength from you. I will give you more than enough. You need not ever fall nor fail. For I Am with you to give you good success, and always cause you to be triumphant in

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Joy for the Journey

I want you to have joy for your journey, says the Lord. Do not dwell in the land of discouragement, distractions, distress, and destruction. For the enemy is vying for your attention. He is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroys. He cannot destroy you, but he will try to keep your focus

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Fellowship With Me

Fellowship with Me in My presence, says the Lord. For as you do, you will find that I Am your partner and friend that sticks with you closer than a brother. I will never leave you, and you will know My comfort and Peace. I Am the One who stands by your side, ready to

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Mantled With My Light and Glory

Your destiny is straight ahead of you, says the Lord. It is before you, as you move forward into it. It is not behind you. Do not even look back, for you will go in the direction that you focus on. I do not want you to back track. Your history is not what will

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Open Doors

I will open doors for you, says the Lord. I will enlighten the path before you and you will know My will. Do not fear to go forward, for where I lead you will always be good. I would never steer you wrong or set a trap for you. It will not be confusing. There

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My Spirit is Moving

My Spirit is not at a standstill, but always moving, says the Lord. I Am never idle. I cannot be slowed down, boxed in, delayed, or shut down. I cannot be voted out, replaced or silenced. I Am the creator of time, and it is completely in My control. Everything is on time. Nothing that

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You Have a Purpose

I will never abort My purposes, and nothing that I begin will be a failure, says the Lord. I never start something just to leave it unfinished. What I do is always purposeful, always powerful, and always perfect. I do not make mistakes or have to redo anything. I do not abandon anything to begin

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