You are called out of the darkness of the World to be caught up into the light of My kingdom and glory, says the LORD. You are separated onto Me to be delightful bride and adorned with the light of My glory that will be seen on you. My favor rests upon you. My grace is abundant and free, and you will soar on the wings of My Spirit and be in heavenly places with Me, as you set your affections on Me and come up higher, says the LORD.

I will share My heart and higher thoughts with you, My chosen one, and you will eat the hidden manna, says the LORD. You will be fat and full of My blessings upon blessings that I daily load you with. Nothing will be impossible for you as your faith takes wings, and you soar effortlessly in the realm of My presence and glory. Nothing will harm you, for the freedom that belongs to you will have no boundaries, no fetters, no limits. Come away with Me, My beloved, and fellowship with Me in My secret place. For I Am the MOST HIGH GOD, and there is none other. You are My special, chosen One, and I will adorn you with My righteousness, lavish My love on you and give you good things to enjoy, as you come up higher in ME, says the LORD.

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