I Ordered the Day

While you were in the womb of your mother, I knew you, says the Lord. I knew the way that you would take. I planned for you. I set forth your times and seasons, according to My purpose. I set the pace. I ordered the day before you stepped into it, and prepared the path for you. I enlightened it, so that you would not stumble nor fall. I gave you life, and My breath is in you. I will complete the Work that I have begin in you, for nothing that I have started will be abandoned or unfinished, says the LORD.

Trust that Not only did I separate you from your mother’s womb, but I separated you onto Myself, for time and eternity, says the Lord. You belong to Me, and I have made you My special, called-out people. You will know My voice, and you will follow Me. I will lead and guide you continually, for each step that you are to take is ordained by Me. Do not fret! For the things that I have authored, I will surely perfect and finish, and you will fulfill your purpose and destiny in Me, because you are My chosen, My body, My bride, My people, that I have sanctified, beautified and empowered to do all that I have called you to do, says the LORD.

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