I Will Exceed Your Expectations

I will exceed your expectations, says the LORD. For I AM El Shaddai, more than enough for you. I said I would be your exceeding, great reward. If I gave you what you sought Me for, you would be satisfied, but not astounded. I will do what is exceedingly abundantly that which you have asked me for, believed Me for, petitioned Me for, because I want to lavish My love upon you and give you radical blessings. I love to pour out My blessings upon My faithful and true servant-children. I purpose to give you unexpected blessings and hidden treasures that you will have to KNOW that they come from Me, says the LORD.

Miracles are miracles and the miraculous I will perform will go far beyond the scope of human reasoning, says the LORD. I will make an example out of you of what I will do for the one who pleases ME. You will be a walking example that will be known and read by others, and I will be the author of it with My signature on it. You will be a sign and a wonder for all to see, for I will MAKE you a peculiar vessel of honor that I pour out My Spirit into and rain down My special blessings. You will not be normal, but live in the realm of My glory, because you have positioned yourself to serve Me and honor Me with your faithfulness as a special, called-out vessel of Honor that I will greatly use for My glory, to advance My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, says the LORD.

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