I Will Pour Out Miracles, Signs and Wonders

I will pour out miracles, signs and wonders and bring a mighty revival in the land, says the LORD. Your strength will be renewed. You will have the wild fire of My Spirit that will be uncontained that spreads and empowers, ignites and excites. I will bring life and vitality, and renewal, by My SPIRIT, says the LORD.

Miracles are what I do, and I will perform them in your midst, says the LORD. The day of miracles has not ended, but has hardly begun. I will be on display as the SOVEREIGN, the MIGHTY GOD, the ALL-POWERFUL One, the undefeated One. I will pour out My healing power and make MY Name famous. There is none other beside Me, and many will come into My kingdom because I will show them My glory and pour out the richness of My presence in an unprecedented way, as I repossess My church that I purchased by My own blood. I will glorify and beautify and empower My people and sanctify them and set them aside for MY purposes, and they will be spotless, without wrinkle, without blemish, cleansed from all unrighteousness, purified, holy and fully filled with My SPIRIT and My POWER. They will not compromise My Work or My WORD, and I will deliver them from the lukewarm spirit and rekindle the flame of My spirit in them, says the LORD.

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