e I will give you more than enough, says the LORD. For I Am El Shaddai, and I will do what I Am! You will not lack wisdom and counsel and understanding as you come to ME and rely on Me as your source. If you will not rely on the opinions of others or your own understanding and seek the wisdom that comes from above that is not earthly and sensual, you will receive supernatural solutions that come from Me, says the LORD.

You will have blessings beyond your ability to contain them, says the LORD. For I will give you the hidden manna that will over supply you as I did the Children of Israel in the wilderness. You will be fat and full of My blessings so that you can become a blessing to others. You will be an able minister of good things, for I have called you to be a profitable servant that will use the things I give you as an investment into the things of My kingdom that is without end. Your faithfulness will be rewarded, and your disappointments of the past failed harvests will soon be forgotten as you reap the plenteous harvest from the good seed you have sown. For I will bot be mocked, and you will reap a bumper crop of blessings upon blessings upon blessings that will cause you to rejoice with exceeding, great joy, says the LORD.

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