Serve Me Because You Love Me!

I want you to serve Me because you love Me and want to please Me, says the LORD. Do not look for the applause of others or do so to please them. Do not serve Me for self-edification or promotion, or approval or vain-glory. For I do everything for you because of My love and devotion to you. It is because of My love for you that I paid the price for your Salvation, Healing and deliverance, by My shed blood for you and finished work on the cross. Let your love for Me be what motivates and propels you to lay down your life for Me and My kingdom, says the LORD.

I will reward you openly for all that you do for Me in secret and behind the scenes, says the LORD. I do not even overlook the things that are insignificant to others. For the widow’s mites that she gave were a great sacrifice for her. She did not want to be seen, but quietly gave out of her heart of love. Whatever you do for Me that comes from your heart of love for Me will be recorded and I will be honored. Let your giving be done cheerfully and not because of expectation. Because I AM love, that is what I do. I love in Word and deed. Because of my love for you, I became a total substitutional sacrifice for you. My love is unfeigned and unimpeachable, and when you love Me and serve Me this way, it is well-pleasing to Me, says the LORD.

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