Healing belongs to you, personally, powerfully, absolutely, continually, completely, says the LORD. I AM YOUR HEALER! I AM YOUR DELIVERER! I AM the GREAT PHYSICIAN, and you never need to wait your turn! You are not standing in a long, endless line or sitting in a waiting room, awaiting your name to be called. Your petitions are not caught up in bureaucracies or shoved under a pile of requests. I do not qualify or disqualify your needs and requests according to the scope of them or your merit, but your faith in My infallible Word, provision, and never-ending presence in your life, says the LORD.

Small and great need is all the same to ME, says the LORD. Nothing is insignificant to Me. Nothing is too big, too bad, too difficult. I have numbered the hairs of your head and recorded all your parts in My book. I hear every prayer, and record every thought that is directed toward Me. I pay meticulous attention to YOU and you are important to ME. All that you need, all that you desire, all that you long for is within My power to grant, and I will give you everything you need, will not withhold any good thing from you, and I will honor your faith in Me, as YOUR GREAT PHYSICIAN, YOUR DELIVERER, YOUR SAVIOR, and LORD, and I will heal you, says the LORD.

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