My Plans and Purposes

I have not aborted My plans and purposes, says the Lord. They have come to a live birth and are vital and moving and growing and expanding and powerful. I Am alive and powerful in you, and you are an essential part of My Kingdom. You are not dead in Me, but alive! I have need of you and your destiny in Me is not of the past but the now and future. You are a part of MY purpose and plan on the earth, and I have positioned you for My glory. I have expanded you as I have placed you and I have equipped you for My greatness and glory. You are not insignificant or a castaway. I have not forgotten you. I have you welded into My plan and made you secure in ME. The vision that you have been given is not dead and buried. Life is in it, and I will cause you to come forth and your vision that I have given you unfold, says the LORD.

I do all things well, and I do all things complete and perfect, and nothing that I do is inferior or inept, says the LORD. My work in you and through you is glorious and good. I will never abandon you nor discredit My WORK that I have done concerning you. I never have a failure or an incomplete. You have significance in Me and what I will do in and through you will not be stolen, killed or destroyed by the enemy. I have you. I Am with you and in you, will be the cause and the effect of the perfect work that I have ascribed for you in My kingdom. You will complete what I have called you to do and your fruit shall remain, says the LORD.

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