Precious and Priceless Plan For Your Life

Precious and priceless are My plan and purpose for you life, says the LORD. It is good and it is complete. It is of Me, and is the Higher Ways and the HIGHER thoughts. I Am higher than you. My thoughts and My heart and My ways are higher than yours. You have become weary in our own limited thinking. You have been in a whirlwind of possible ways. But My ways and thoughts are what I have for you. They will not twist and bring turmoil. They do not frustrate you and bring you into anxiousness. They are thoughts of peace and they empower you. They are as unlimited as I Am. They are as unfailing as I AM. They are as powerful as I Am. For I Am inviting you to come up higher, and relinquish being bound by your own thoughts and ways, says the LORD.
Nothing is impossible with Me, says the LORD. See no impossibilities through My eyes. There are no imperfections with ME See through Me that I perfect all things concerning you. There is nothing unfulfilled in Me, for I complete everything that I start. I have begun a good work in you, and not only Am I capable of bringing you into the fullness of all things that I have prescribed for your life, but I WILL. Ease yourself of the burden of your own life and all that you carry as you entrust yourself to Me, and link up with Me. For My easy yoke and light burden awaits you, and I will bring you into the fullness of MY purposes that will unfold and you will have your fullness in Me that you long for, says the LORD.

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