Forget the Past

Don’t dwell on your past, says the LORD. Don’t focus on your past failures or successes. Your former accomplishments can keep you from discovering the new things that I have for you. Fresh bread was always on the table, and new wine is what I have for you. I Am giving you a new vision, with new assignments that will shift you from complacency and stagnation, if you will open your eyes to see and your ears to hear what I Am saying and doing now, says the LORD.

I Am. I AM your NOW GOD. I Am your now strength, says the LORD. I Am your now help. I Am your now life. Look around you rather than at what is behind you. Focus your attention on what IS. If you spend your time thinking of your past disappointments and lost opportunities, you will miss out on what I have for you this day. If you cling to the old, then you will not embrace the new that I have created and prepared for you. The strategies of the past are not fitting for where I Am leading you today, and the NEW is better than the old. LET GO of the past. You can’t go back. GO FORWARD without fear of failure. DO NOT fear the unknown. It is known by Me, and I will do the leading. Keep your eyes upon Me at all times, and obey My voice, and follow Me, as you go FORWARD into the NEW, says the LORD.

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