I Will Answer You

I will answer you in your day of trouble when you call upon Me, says the Lord.  I will hear you and answer your prayer.  Just as a parent hears the faintest cry of their child, I listen attentively to you.  You are My child.  I Am concerned about every part of your life.  You would not want your child to suffer and be in anguish and despair.  You would not want your child to go without their daily needs being met.  You would not take pleasure in your child’s sickness, and you would not rejoice when they are fearful.  These things are not what you would ever plan for them, and none of them would originate from you.  Just as you would want good things for them, I want only good things for you.  As you would plan and purpose for your own child to succeed and have a good life, I plan and purpose that for you.  I can make it happen as you trust in Me.  What you cannot accomplish in your own strength and limited resources is no problem to Me.  I will answer you and grant every one of your needs, because you are Mine!   I will provision you and lead you into the right path and make opportunities for you that will insure success and promotion. This is My desire for you,  and I have given you good things to enjoy, says the LORD.

I delight in giving My children good gifts, says the LORD.  I love to love you.  I take pleasure in your success!  When you unveil the gifts that I bestow upon you and your heart rejoices, I Am joyful!  Just as a parent rejoices to see the success of their children, I have My own brag book.  I brag on you when you trust Me.  I capture every time you give Me thanksgiving.  I Am well-pleased every time you use the faith that I have given you.   My book of your life records every time you pray and even think upon Me.  I Am pleased when I Am in your thoughts, just as you would desire your child to think about you.  Just as it would touch your heart when your child thanks you for the things that you did for them, it touches My heart to hear your praise.  I remember everything that you have done for Me, and I will reward you openly for every time you entered into the secret place of My presence and call upon My name.  I will never leave you.  I will never ignore you when you call upon Me, and I will never deny you any good thing.  Trust Me as your everlasting, doting, loving Father, for My favor rests upon you continually, because you are belong to Me, say the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, propheticlight.org. For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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