You Will Have A Bountiful Harvest

I will reward you for all your good works that you have done, says the LORD.   You will have a bountiful harvest of those things you have planted into My kingdom.   I Am your shield and exceeding GREAT REWARD.  I reward you with Myself and all that I have belongs to you. I call you an heir.   My blessings, My provisions and My help is your portion.  Now is the time to reap a harvest of the things that you have sown, says the LORD.

You have sown love, and you will reap a bumper crop of love, says the Lord. I will pour out My love into you so that you can love even more.  You will be able to give and love in this season as never before. As you continually give what I give you, there will be no end to the increase. I will multiply everything that you have given and every good work that you have done for My kingdom, and you will rejoice in the harvest of good things.  You will have more than enough, become as I AM El Shaddai, more than enough.  You will plant and harvest at the same time.  There will be a continual harvest.  You will not be able to keep up.  You will sow and reap at the same time, while you will be scattering the seed with one hand and gathering with the other.  It is harvest time and the harvest will be great, says the Lord.

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