My Love for You Is Inexhaustible

My love for you is inexhaustible, says the Lord. It is infallible, unimpeachable, unrelenting, unconditional and everlasting. You are never void of My love for you and it cannot be defeated or extracted from you. Do not let the enemy tell you that I can ever abandon you or withhold My love from you. He cannot tell the truth; I cannot lie. I will keep you night and day by My tender, loving care, because I have set My love upon you. I remain the same, and I Am love, and that is what I give, and that is what I do. I love you, says the Lord.

Your circumstances cannot change Who I Am and what I do and how I do things, says the Lord. I Am in full control. I have you in the palm of My hands and you are safe and secure in Me. Nothing can remove Me from you for I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not trust in your feelings and never let your circumstances dictate. I Am your unfailing God, and you are my beloved child. When the dust settles after each storm, you will see what remains untouched and unchanged: My love for you, the sufficiency of My grace, and My unfailing mercy and compassion for you. You are never overlooked, undervalued or forgotten. Rest in My love this day, for it is forever yours, even as I Am, says the Lord.

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