There Is Nothing Hidden That Will Not be Revealed

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and the deeper things of My Spirit that are hidden in you, My beloved bride, shall be revealed, says the Lord. They shall come to surface as they are released out of you. For My Spirit of wisdom and revelation is within you. It shall erupt out of you in abundance and power. For I Am the all-wise God in the midst of you. I Am wisdom and knowledge and counsel. I have hidden within you treasures for you to discover, and they shall be revealed even as I shall be known. I cannot be hidden and My knowledge shall fill the earth. I will flow out of chosen ones the new and secret things that have been held and reserved and preserved to be presented in My ordained time, says the Lord.

The greater things of My Spirit are coming forth as a fire that will set many ablaze with My glory, says the Lord. My glory shall be revealed in them, rest upon them, and flow out of them. I will be seen and heard and known on the earth. Even as I cannot be shut up, I Am bringing My hidden vessels of honor out of obscurity, and they will not be able to be hidden. They will not be bought, for I have purchased them, and they are Mine! They will not compromise, and they will not be compromised for anything or anyone. The fire of My Word and My Spirit and My unsurpassed love will not be put out, says the Lord.

My righteous ones, My holy ones, My called out ones will not be able to be hidden, but I will bring them out, and they will be distinct and separate and holiness onto Me, and I will empower them to burn for Me. My unquenchable fire in them will set many ablaze with My glory that spreads across the nations of the earth. I will receive the glory, for they are all about My Kingdom and My will, and they shall be My spotless bride that will come forth in My power and glory to do My greater works. They have been preserved and reserved for this time that I have set forth, and they shall come forth in a fury of My power as a fire and a whirlwind of My unrestrained glory, to bring in the abundant harvest for My kingdom, by My power and for My glory, says the Lord.

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