
I have created this day for you to rejoice in, says the Lord. Turn your thoughts toward Me and look away from the problems that are vying for your attention. Troubles on every side are not ordained of Me. I did not send them, but I will solve them. Joy in Me! Rejoice that you are not an orphan. You are not abandoned. You are not ignored, and you are not being overlooked. I Am with you as your everlasting Father that cannot forget you. My goodness and mercy for you are a constant and not a variable. I cannot change. I did not create you to be defeated, overcome, and overwhelmed with burdens, but created you for My pleasure, says the Lord.

Come into My presence where you will find pleasure, and squelch out every illegitimate, negative and threatening voice that is vying for your attentions, says the Lord. I Am King! I Am your Lord, and I Am undefeatable. There is nothing that can threaten Me or harm Me, and You are in My hands that created you, protect you, and provide for you. Trust in Me! Enjoy Me! Enjoy this day that you have as a gift from Me. For I will take you by the hand and lead you gently on through every moment as you lean on Me, shift all the load onto Me, and let My peace and joy envelop you, invade you, and fill you with My unimpeachable love. My goodness will not depart from you as you place their trust in Me, and you will eat the good things of the land and enjoy the hidden manna that I have reserved for you because you love Me and make Me the Lord of your life, says the Lord.

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