The Enemy Is Vying for Your Attention

I Am not the author of disruptions or delays or disappointments or confusion, says the Lord. The enemy is vying for your attention, to distract you from My perfect plan for you. I never destroy My good works, but I have come to destroy the works of the devil. I never put My people in bondage, and I do not restrain them in chains or tie them down. I will never play games with your mind or give you false hopes. There is no such thing as false hope and empty promises with Me. The enemy is the culprit. He is the one playing games. He is the one who is endeavoring to put mental barriers up for you to become uncertain and unsure of yourself. He is the author of doubts and fears and over-cautiousness to the point where you cannot move forward with your vision that I have given you, and the assignments that you are fully equipped to carry out for My kingdom, says the Lord.

Do not listen to his negative suggestions and silence those accusing tones, says the Lord. For as he maligns you, manipulates you, and interrogates you, I am validating you. As he condemns you, I have completely blotted out every transgression and sin that you have done by My blood that was shed for you. As he has screamed that you are not ready for anything new, I have said, “Look! I have made everything new for you! As he has put up blocks and barriers and threatens to hold you back, I have equipped you to tear down the walls and break through the enemy camp. He brings terror to your mind, but I have empowered you to be a terror to him and all his cohorts. Let My mind be in you. Let My Word be spoken out of your mouth, for his negative words are not worth repeating. Do not think his diabolical thoughts or concern yourself with the endless threats against you that he cannot carry out. For he operates to convince you that he can keep you from fulfilling your purpose. He cannot! Fortify that which I have spoken as you speak the truth and silence the voices of the dark one. My word is light for your path, and I have given you the armor of light! You will accomplish what I have sent you to do, for I Am with you always to give you good success, and do so without denial, delay or setbacks, says the Lord.

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