My Hands Are Never Empty

My hands are never empty, says the Lord. They are extended toward you to not only receive you and embrace you, but to endow you with unspeakable gifts. I have an endless supply for you. You never need to be empty or barren, but fruitful and plenteous in every good thing that I freely give you from My hands that have created you. When I said that I would supply all your need according to My riches in Glory, I meant that for you. For I Am no respecter of persons. I have no favorites, and whosoever will may come and eat and drink freely. You are not exempt from the resources that I have for you that are endless and bountiful, says the Lord.

My glory is in My presence where I have set the table for you and reserved your place, says the Lord. You will not go away hungry or thirsty or empty, for I will not withhold anything good from you. I know exactly what you need, and I know the desires of your heart. I will give bountiful blessings upon blessings to you that have no attached sorrow, and your heart will rejoice as you receive what awaits you in My presence and glory. For all you need and desire is in My hands that formed you and purposed and prepared you for every good work in Me and My kingdom, says the Lord.

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