I Am a God of Multiplication

I Am a God of multiplication, and not division, says the Lord. I will multiply My blessings upon you, so that you have no room to contain them. You will have more than you can keep. You will be blessed to become a conduit of blessing. For as I pour into you and give you the increase, you will pour out into others. I desire for you to be a vessel of honor that is holiness onto Me. I will fill you to overflowing with the power of My Spirit, and you will minister from the overflow, says the Lord.

Up up up! Higher and higher, says the Lord. Come up higher in the realm of My glory. For there is no limit to My power. There is no ceiling to My infinite grace and glory that I will give to you. You will discover the precious things of My Spirit that cannot be duplicated by any other power. I will give you that which is astounding and unthinkable, for I will pour out My favor upon you and give you unspeakable joy that cannot be extracted from you. Come up higher and receive that which you have never asked for or imagined. For I Am calling you into the greater heights of My presence and glory, and as you come, you will be filled with My Spirit, renewed, and forever changed, says the Lord.

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