Made to Forget

You will be made to forget, says the Lord. I will make you forget the former things in light of My glory to come. They cannot be compared to what I will do for you, with you, and through you, by My Spirit. The former things are nothing. I will make you to forget the former failed harvests in light of the bumper crop that you will have. I will make you to forget the former things that have past away to give place to the new. I will make you to forget the former joys for the exceeding, great and unspeakable joy that you will have. I will make you to forget the wounds of the past as I pour into you the oil and the wine and recreate you and bring you into the new season. You will forget the things that you lost as you discover what is not better, but best says the Lord.

The best is yet to come, says the Lord. The greater works are ahead. The harvest is vast. It is great. It is unimaginable. Open your eyes to see the harvest that is all around. See the good land of your inheritance that I have given you. I will give you unspeakable joy for your sorrow as you shed the dark and bleak widow’s garments, and take off the black veil, so that your vision is clear and precise. The days of mourning are over, the ash heaps of your life are over. I have given beauty to you in exchange for the ashes. Don’t even glance back. Forget the things that are behind you. Look ahead, for your sorrow is turned into joy before you, and the new life that I have given you has already begun, says the Lord.

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