Miracles, Healing and Deliverance is for EVERYONE, not Just Someone

Since I’ve been back in the USA after the Kenya Miracle Mission, I have prayed for people to be healed and filled with the Holy Spirit through a messenger call (face book) or cell phone call. Great things have happened. One woman was delivered and vomited. She is free and healed.

She writes: “Before you prayed for me. I was being tormented at night. I would wake up in the morning with severe sciatic pain. So bad a had a hard time walking. After you prayed I’m sleeping so much better, I have more energy during the day, can pray more and pain is gone. Hallelujah Praise God 👏 🙌 I had been crying out to God for help and He heard me.”

Another woman had severe impaired vision and abdominal pain. The fire of the Holy Spirit came on her from head to foot and her vision improved immediately. Her abdominal pain disappeared. Today she wrote:

“My vision. Is better today than yesterday and I Know layer after layer day after day it will continue until so crystal clear I will see as never before without glasses. For Jesus glory. My digestive system is much much improved.”

Some were instantly filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke in tongues. Others were instantly healed of pain. We give GOD the glory.

If you want to be filled with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, or you want to be healed, you can send me a message request on face book under June Sheltrown, so that I can call you through messenger, or if you reside in the USA or Canada, you can email me at [email protected] and give me your request and phone number, so that I can call you. Expect your miracle healing and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Believe and receive! Prophet June Sheltrown

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