Pleasure in My Presence

I have given you good things to enjoy, says the Lord. Pleasure in My presence is not just a promise or a possibility or your potential, but the place that you can always be in. You are welcome in this perfect place of peace and joy, and this is where you are to live. This is where I want you to be. This is your home and dwelling place. Come and enjoy the benefits of fellowship and friendship with Me, for this is not something that you need to ask for. It is already granted you. Enjoy the pleasures that I give you forevermore in My presence, says the Lord.

My joy is your strength all the time, not sometimes, says the Lord. You will always have My peace and joy and comfort and provision in My glory. I never close the door and lock you out. You have access all the time, and can freely eat and drink at My table and enjoy the riches of My glory, always. For crumbs that fall on the floor are not your portion. Left overs do not exist. Fresh bread and new wine are a constant supply, and you will find all that you need in My presence, always. I give you daily benefits that are more than enough for you, and the supply that I have for you is never exhausted. I will supply all your need in My glory in My presence as you come and eat and drink and enjoy the benefits that await you. I desire to fill you with all good things, and it is My purpose for you to have joy. Come and partake of what already belongs to you, and live in My presence and glory as an entitled child of My love, says the Lord.

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