I Will Silence Your Fears

I will silence your fears, says the Lord. Think on this. Silence them. That means they will be completely squelched out of existence! They will not scream in your ear. They will not enter your heart. They will not have your attention or distract or disturb you. They will not be spoken from your lips. They will not be ruling you. For tormenting fears are not for you and not of Me. I will rid you of them as you simply shut them off and turn Me on! Yes! Turn Me on! Turn Me up! Louder and louder! Let My still small voice in you become the words that you confess out of your mouth, and let the roar of the enemy be out-roared by My voice in you, says the Lord.

I will give you a new sound. I will give you a voice like Mine that is the voice of many waters, says the Lord. It will penetrate, as My word is a sharp, two-edged sword. The sword of My Spirit proceeds out of My mouth, and it will proceed out of yours. It will pierce and penetrate, and it will be far-reaching. The enemy roars, but does not have the voice of many waters that resounds. The enemy may taunt and mock and try to mimic, but he cannot duplicate what I Am and Who I Am in you. I Am the lion of Judah, and My roar is greater! He cannot out-power the sword of My Spirit that is My Word in your mouth, and your sound will be a greater roar that makes his roar a meow. He will run in terror of My voice of authority and power that proceeds out of your mouth, and you will operate on a new level that is of My Spirit, My power, My infallible Love, and soundness of mind, says the Lord.

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