Don’t Be Anxious

Do not be anxious about anything, says the Lord.  For all your fretting and fuming, whining and complaining does not accomplish anything or salve any issues that you and others have. It has not changed any person, place, or thing. It has only wearied you with worry. You have witnessed My faithfulness, time, and time again. You have had My intervention in your life and circumstances, and I have answered many prayers. I have helped you continually. This is not an exceptional time. I remain to be all that you need, and this does not change with the volumes of concerns you have and the massive pressures that you face, says the Lord.

You know that nothing challenges Me, and I Am on your side, to bring you through every difficulty you face, with overwhelming victory, says the Lord. I have proved Myself in the past; I will prove Myself again, and again. Let your heart be merry, and abandon the anxiety. Cast out the fears, for I Am able to secure you, and cause you to triumph over the evil one, every time! For he is not bigger than Me, and I Am with you, to bring you certain victory, says the Lord.

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