I Will Fight For You

Those who fight against you are fighting against Me, says the Lord. It is a losing battle, for I Am your defense. The enemy cannot get through Me, to get to you! I will stand in the way as your shield, and I will fight for you. I Am your defense. The enemy cannot defeat you because I have already defeated him! The enemy will not prevail against those who have made Me their trust. For I Am trustworthy, and I protect what belongs to Me! I will not compromise any of My beloved, and all of them are of great value to Me, says the Lord.

You are that pearl of great price that I purchased as My own, and you are not up for auction to the highest bidder, says the Lord. I will put you on display as My precious, priceless jewel, and keep you in the palm of My hand. No one can pluck you out of My hands, and they dare not try. I will keep you safe and secure all the time, for you are greatly beloved of Me, and belong to Me as My treasured child, says the Lord.

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