My Kingdom has No Darkness, Defeat or End

I have taken you out of the kingdom of darkness and translated you into My kingdom of light, as you have received Me as your own Savior and Lord.  There has been a change in your environs, says the Lord.  For light is not compatible with darkness, and there is no compromise or coexistence.  My kingdom has no darkness, no defeat, no end.  You have been planted into My Kingdom as a tree of righteousness, that I have planted, and I will make you as the tree of life in the Garden of Eden that was guarded by an angel to keep it from being touched, says the Lord.

I have sealed you with My love, My Spirit and filled you with My glory, says the Lord.  The enemy cannot get past the wall of fire about you, and has no access to My light.   My angel that I have commissioned and sent to you guards you on all sides with a flaming sword.  Your past failures and sins are remitted by your faith in Me and My blood that was shed for you. They are gone. You are free.  The record against you does not exist.  Walk in My light and life and know that I have made you new in Me, and I make all things new for you, says the Lord.

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