Nothing is Impossible

What will you believe, and what will you receive for yourself?  For there is no end to possibilities, and no such thing as impossibilities, when you refuse to doubt My Word and My power in you, says the Lord. For nothing is to big for Me.  Absolutely nothing is impossible.  That word does NOT exist in My kingdom. I will do all things for you according to your faith and trust in Me.  What will you trust Me to do? Will you limit Me by unbelief, or will you receive unlimited favor and a demonstration of My miraculous provision and power with your unrelenting faith?  It is up to you to remove the limits and see that I cannot be restricted, confined or defeated, says the Lord.

Change your perspective, says the Lord.  See Me as I Am, rather than through dark and gloomy and depressive boundaries.  For I Am not bound by sickness. I Am Not bound by poverty.  I Am not bound by any authority. I have authority over all, and I create. I heal.  I deliver. I provide.  I do all things well, and there is no power that can stop Me.  Have faith in Me at all times and Know that it is My will to set the captives free, heal the sick, provide every need, and give you more than enough.  I will do all that you will believe Me for, and you will know that there is no other power or authority that can restrict Me or deny you of My miraculous power in your life.  Believe that I will do great and mighty things in the midst of you and expect it to be done, and you will see miracle after miracle, and I will do astounding things as you witness My supreme power and authority like you have never seen or heard of before, says the Lord.

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