Abundant Harvest

I will open My windows in heaven and pour out My blessings upon you, says the Lord. You will have more than enough. I will bless your basket and your store. I will bless all that I put your hands, and your labors will produce plentifully. For your faith and trust in Me is not a vain thing. It will become your tangible reality. For you will reap a harvest of good things, and as you have given, so shall you receive, says the Lord.

Your harvest is coming of the good things you have planted into My kingdom, says the Lord. You will reap abundantly. For My Word is true, and your labor for Me is not in vain. It will produce the good fruit of the good seed that you have sown. I have placed the seed in your hands to sow, and the field is Mine. You will not have a failed harvest, and you will sing the songs of the reaper as you gather the wheat into My garners, and you will rejoice with exceeding, great joy, says the Lord.

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