You Have Access!

Your help comes from Me, says the Lord.  I Made the heavens and the earth, and created every person, place, and thing. That includes you. You are privileged as I have purchased you by My own blood, and placed you into My Kingdom, and brought you into My presence.  You are not a stranger or foreigner, but adopted into My family. You are precious and priceless. You have access to My treasure house and every resource that I have is available for you through the keys of My kingdom that I have given to you.  You are not locked out, and you are never banished from My presence, says the Lord.

Use the keys that I have given you, for looking at them and playing with them are not beneficial, says the Lord.  Knowing about them is not enough. Seeing is not believing, but implementing them.  Faith in Me is acting on what you have been given, not waiting for someone else to take what belongs to you and open things up for you.  You can move forward, and you can do what I have called you to do as you walk through the doors that are in front of you, using the keys that are in your possession.  Do something with what I have invested in you, and obtain the promises that are awaiting you as you use the keys and unlock the doors and enter in, says the Lord.

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