Open Doors

I will open doors for you, says the Lord. For I will make a way for you where there is no way. I can create a door that did not even exist, for with My mouth I created and framed the earth. There is nothing too difficult for Me. You have a vivid imagination, and can dream and visualize great things, but I will go way beyond that which you can ask or think or imagine. For what you need is not difficult for Me to supply. I own the earth. I govern and control what belongs to Me. Nothing is beyond My ability, and you will know Me as your provider as I do things that no other power can do, says the Lord.

I love to do the impossible and put Myself on display, says the Lord. For might and power belong to Me. I will shock you with My ability to do what you considered impossible as you simply trust in Me. I will give you more than a positive outcome in your difficulties: I will cause you to triumph over the enemy and spoil Him. It is not enough for you to win. It is not enough for you to just have the upper hand. It is not enough for you to recover all. I want you to take a spoil as I give you a turn around. Though you have been on the bottom, you will ascend to the top. You that were under will be on top. You will tread upon the enemy as he is under your feet, and you will disarm him and plunder his goods and have so much spoil from his camp that you overrun, that you will not have room to contain it all, says the Lord.

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