I Am about multiplication, and not division, says the Lord.  I will multiply My blessings upon you, and you will be blessed to be a blessing. I will pour out My blessings upon you and enrich you with My unspeakable glory.  You will know no bounds, as I have liberated you so that you can serve Me in joy and gladness. I have loosed you from the chains and fetters that the enemy has bound you with, and set you free.  You are not a prisoner, and you are not a captive. You are loosed and able to move free.  Rejoice in this liberty that I have given you, as I have ransomed you, says the Lord.

I will give you an increase of joy for your mourning, and create for you a new position in Me, says the Lord.  I do not have to fill an old one, but I will give you a new place of authority that I have designed for you and will cause you to fulfill.  I do not have to displace or replace anyone to set you up and use you in a new way in My kingdom.  Look forward to what I create and do, for what is new is new. What is old is old, and you will be used in a new way that I position you and create that will bring new life and liberty to many, even as I have set you free, says the Lord.

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