Some of you right now that are in a situation that seems impossible. Just like the children of Israel were when they were being chased by Pharaoh and his army, you feel trapped. The enemy is on your heels. They are fully armed and dangerous. You cannot go to the left nor the right. There is no way forward. You’ve cried out to the LORD! There is no door, no threshold, no window, no hatch—no way of escape. It seems beyond impossible!

                                                            But I heard the audible voice of the Lord speak:


“I will defend you. I will fight for you. I will save you. I will deliver you. I will open My windows in heaven and rain down My holy fire. I will live with you. I will
command My Holy will to be done.  I will silence your fears!”


God works miracles. He is unlimited. He is all powerful, all knowing, all-wise and that ever present help in time of trouble, no matter what the scope of your problem is. Simply trust Him. Wait on Him to act on your behalf. He always has, and He always will!

God will make a way where there is no way. He will provide a way of escape for you. He will part your personal Red Sea, and although the enemy chases after you, he will not catch up with you. You will cross over on dry ground, and reach the safety of the other side, but the enemy that you see now, you will see no more!

This is speaking to somebody right now. Are you that person?

Prophet June Reinke, Prophetic Light International

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