Unfettered and unbound

I Am not restricting you, says the Lord. I Am limitless and have no boundaries. I Am not binding you, but releasing you to walk in liberty. I AM breaking every yoke and loosing you from every bondage by My infallible Spirit, says the Lord. You are unfettered in Me. You are not bound. You are free to be all that I created you to be. This is the season of Jubilee for you. I Am sounding the trumpet and calling forth the guards to open the prison doors, remove the shackles and set My people free to serve Me. Walk free of the bondage of the past religious spirits that have dictated a vision of their own hearts that did not line up with MINE. I have a vision; I have given you one, and where there is no vision the people perish. It is in this season that I Am giving sight to the blind and causing the lame to walk. I will have My people see with clarity so that they can move with grace into the new season of productivity, says the Lord.

My people will say, “Once I was blind, but now I see, says the LORD. I was unable to walk out my destiny, but now I can. Yes, My people will not only see and know, but I will enable them to move in the realm of their destiny in Me without any delay, without any setbacks, without any hindrances, without any fear. This is a time when the gates are open, the prison doors are swung wide open and there is no more darkness to envelop you. Arise and shine in this season and let My glory that I release in your midst be seen upon you and propel you into the great things that I have in store for you, says the Lord.

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