I Have Not Forgotten You

I do not forget, says the LORD. I have perfect memory of all your labor of love. I see and know and remember! I will reward! You do not have to remind Me of anything. I have them recorded, so that they will be remembered by you and all else to see! For when I said that they will see your good works and glorify Me, did you think that was only for time? I will reward you now, in the future, and the forever for your good works and labor of love for ME, says the LORD.

I have not forgotten YOU, says the LORD. How can I? I have you in the very palm of My hands, and you are EVER before Me! I know you, know your works, and know every need that you have. You are never outside of my all-seeing eyes, never out of My mind, and you are in My constant care. Just trust in ME, and KNOW that you are valuable to Me, and I will complete you in Me and give you everything that you need, always, says the LORD.

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