Frustrations do NOT come from Me, says the LORD. It is the enemy that seeks to destroy your peace that I have given to you as an undisruptable gift that cannot be destroyed. IT is there, even as I Am with you always! For as nothing can separate you from Me and MY love, so it is with My perpetual peace! Let My peace be your focus and trust that nothing is out of my sight, My ability and My control! You are to walk in My peace that passes all understanding, regardless of the circumstances that you face, says the LORD.
It is the thief that desires to steal, kill and destroy your peace and joy, says the LORD. Though he roars like a lion and seeks to distract, disrupt and destroy, you can resist him, and he will flee. You need not run in terror but let him do the running in fear of you. For as you first submit yourself fully and completely onto Me, you are submitting to MY PEACE that will fill you and then you will become a threat to the threats of the enemy, and a terror to him,
and a destroyer of his diabolical works, says the LORD.