Gods Promises

Exceeding, Great and Precious Promises

Gods PromisesI have given you exceeding, great and precious promises, says the LORD. Receiving them will depend upon what you do with them. For I will never change or retract My Word. You can take Me at My Word and receive the fullness of the blessings that I have spoken to you about. None of them will fail. But you must receive then by faith. Do not just sit on your hands and wait for things to happen. Activate your faith, says the LORD.

The children of Israel had to exercise their faith by possessing the promised land, says the LORD. I told them to go in and possess it, but they did not believe. Therefore, they wondered in the wilderness for 40 years, and their children inherited the land in their stead. Go in the direction of what I have promised you and walk by faith! Walk into your land of promise as you possess the things I have freely given you, says the LORD.

Their faith was tested. Yours will be, too, says the LORD. But you can embrace all the things that I promised you, if you do not become fearful and unbelieving. Your faith pleases Me, and it is MY GOOD PLREASURE to bless you and bring you into your promised land, as you walk into your destiny by faith in My promises, and possess the land, even though you will face the giants, the walled cities, the iron chariots, and have to engage in warfare, says the LORD.

Cannot you say as Caleb of old did, “Give Me this Mountain? Says the LORD. He was granted the promise, received the blessing, as he engaged the enemy, overcame the obstacles, and warred a good warfare to possess the land and inherit the promises. So it will be with you, if you will hear My voice, believe My Word, embrace the promises, war for them and possess the land, by active faith in Me, says the LORD.

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