I Am your anchor that will hold you steady in the time of storm, says the LORD. You will not be tossed and driven, broken and destroyed. For I will keep you through the worst of them. Though the winds of adversity will howl, and the violent flood gates of the enemy will beat against you, you will stand, unscathed, unharmed, and remain untouched, says the LORD.

Even when dark clouds surround you, and you cannot see beyond the horizon, I will give you the light of a new day. Do not fear the sudden, unexpected storms and on slot attacks of the enemy. You are safe and secure in My care, for I Am a shelter for you in the time of storm. Nothing can out power Me or take you out of My hands. The storms will pass by, and you will have My peace, as I not only calm the storms, but I will calm you! You will be unshakable in Me, and you will Know My faithfulness and loving kindness all the days of your earthly sojourn, because you belong to Me, says the LORD.

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