I Will Make a Way for You

I will make a way for you when there is no way, says the LORD. You cannot do it, but I can and will! I will not only open doors for you, but I will create them. I will not only show you the path that you are to take, but I will make one just for you that is plain and simple! You are unique, and you do not have to follow in the same footsteps of others but follow in MINE! I will be your leader and your guide, and as you take the steps that I order for you, you will not only have the path that is clearly right for you, but you will have abiding peace, says the LORD.

I Am unlimited, says the LORD. I can make something out of NOTHING, and you do not need to know HOW or When or What or Why! TRUST that all is well, because I do all things well! I cannot be forced to do anything, and nothing can restrain Me. There is no stopping ME, and I Am not able to be interrogated. All will answer to ME, for I AM the Sovereign! As you trust in Me, you will discover that I Am always able to do the miraculous, and I will do new things that will astound you, as I create and make a way for you, says the LORD.

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