My Word is Light and Life

My light is in you. My life is in you, says the LORD. I have given you everything that you need, and there is nothing missing. Let the light that is in you direct you in every step that you take, every decision that you make, and let My light fill your environs, so that YOU will become as a city that is set on a hill, that cannot be hid! For I Am light, and I Am with you and in you, says the Lord.

My Word is light and life, says the Lord.  Do let the darkness that is around you distract and disturb you, when it is not YOUR portion. As darkness plagued the oppressors of My people, it could be felt. I made a distinction between My chosen and those who refused to release them from bondage, to serve Me. I have also clearly separated you from the World that is full of darkness, and given you light, says the Lord.



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