Rejoice in Me, says the LORD. For great is your reward. Weeping is not your portion. My joy is! You have cried long enough. It is time to put off the dark mourning clothes and put on the garments of praise. For your pain, I will give double. You will come out ON TOP, and you will not be trampled underfoot. I will elevate you in My presence and My glory, and you will sing again, says the LORD.

I will heal your broken heart, and breathe new life into you, says the LORD. You will not be falling under the burdens that you have been loaded down with, but you will be carefree and filled with laughter. The pain of the past will not invade your future, as I turn things around for you, and exchange your mourning for gladness. Your joy shall be full. Lift up your head and see the new day that I have created for you and embrace the new with unspeakable joy. For I will give you an abundance of peace, and you will sorrow no more, says the LORD.

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