You Are Not Forgotten

You are not forgotten, says the LORD. I have birthed you into My kingdom and you are in the palm of My hands. I know everything about you and understand you when no one else does. I know your heart. I see your tears and bottle them. I hear the sound of your voice when you cry out to Me. I record every Word that you say and hear every prayer. I see the anguish of your soul and Am aware of everything that you face. I know who your friends are and am aware of your enemies that pose as your friends. I see every snare and know every pit that the enemy has dug for you to fall into. I Know your sorrows and your pain. I care about every detail of your existence, and I Am with you always. I will heal your broken heart and fractured life. I will restore you and give you joy for your sorrow. I will cause you to rejoice again, as I turn things around for you, says the LORD.

I will make you forget the losses that you have suffered when I pour out my blessings upon you, says the LORD. You will not grieve any more over the former things as I give you more than you had before. You will know that it is light affliction compared to the glory to come that I will reveal to you. I will promote you in My presence and fill you with My glory. The gifts that I will give you will far exceed anything that you expected. You will not lament but you will rejoice. I will connect you with faithful ones who will not betray you, abuse you, use you, or abandon you. They will truthful and loyal, and you will have the alignments that will help you to fulfill My purposes for you in the new season that I give you. You will laugh out loud and the enemy that tried to destroy you will reel in pain and the arrows he shot at you will penetrate his own heart. I will give you the ultimate victory and you will sing unto Me songs of victory, says the LORD.

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