What I have given you is eternal life, says the LORD. That is not some day, but NOW. I Am the resurrection and the LIFE, and I live in YOU. You are alive forevermore, just as I AM, and eternal things are NOW for you. Do not wait for a someday harvest, a someday abundance, a someday reward! What awaits you is glorious, but you have an earnest of it now that you can live on that is MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR YOU, says the LORD.

Can’t you see that My kingdom is within you now, and it is without end? I took you out of the darkness, the defeat, the world and gave you My eternal SPIRIT of light and life that dwells in you, says the LORD. Let your mind be renewed in My infallible Word that says to you, “Because I live, you shall live also.” You are alive forevermore NOW, and as you walk with Me and dwell in Me and live and move and have your being in Me, you will know that as you take your last step with Me in your earthly sojourn, you will continue to walk with Me in the place that I have prepared for you, and where I AM, now and forever, you will be with Me always, as I am with you always, says the LORD.

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