Focus on your task that I have assigned you to do rather than the distractions, says the LORD. You are empowered to overcome, and to fulfill every purpose that I have ordained for you in your life. I have equipped you. I have given you the ability and the resources and the help that you need to succeed as you receive it. Don’t dismiss the little things that seem meaningless, for everything counts. I Am observing your obedience in the small things as well as the large. I Am looking for dependability and faithfulness, says the LORD.

Be content with the things that I have given you, and be diligent in all you do for My kingdom and glory. I will use you in greater ways as you remain faithful in the small things. I numbered the hairs on your head, and that may seem insignificant compared to other aspects of your life. So do not discount anything. Be zealous for good works, and all that I have called you to do is important and good. Do what is in front of you to do with all your might, and I will promote you into greater things. Your labor for Me is not in vain, and I will reward you openly for the great and the small, because it is faithfulness that I desire, says the Lord.

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