I Am Your Best Friend

I Am your best friend, says the LORD. You can count on Me all the time. You may have many that have disappointed you, and utterly failed you when you needed them the most, but that will not ever happen with Me. I Am with you in the good times, the bad times, and all times. I will never forsake you, and you will never need to feel lonely again, says the LORD.

Many have disappointed you and totally disappeared from you as you faced the challenges that you have in your life, says the LORD. You have wept many bitter tears when betrayed and abused by those you love. But I will heal your broken heart and wounded spirit, and I will fill the void in your life. You will know that I Am faithful and true at all times, and I will never disappoint you, dissatisfy you or bring you any harm. My friendship and love is a constant and not a variable, and you will never face anything in life without My presence, My counsel, my unfailing love, and My help, says the LORD.

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