I Am your firm foundation, says the LORD. You will not be shaken or removed as you are firmly fixed in ME. You will not be uprooted, for I have planted you, Myself, in My Kingdom that is without end, and given you everlasting life in Me because of your trust in Me and My finished work on the cross and My shed blood for you. You are redeemed. You are secure. You will be stable in any storm of life, for you cannot be destroyed by the winds of adversity or moved by them, says the LORD..

Your roots go own deeply in Me, says the LORD. You are firmly and securely placed. You will sprout and grow upward ,and branch out and bear much fruit for My kingdom and glory. I will give you new growth and extend your branches so that they are far reaching. You are embedded in My Kingdom, in My purposes that will unfold, and you will be mightily used for My glory, says the LORD

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